Asad was an officer in the 31st Company. Asad was the second-in-command military officer in the unit before Macai arrived with new officers Kett and later Rosh. Asad saw Macai as a threat to his progress and believed the young leader was too inexperienced for such a massive leadership role. Despite his concerns, Macai rose to the occasion during several dangerous missions and proved Asad wrong. Over time, Asad began to respect the young leader but there were still moments where Macai's beliefs and ideals clashed with Asad's.

Asad (in the center) with two other 31st marines (Ronin and Kedo).
Asad could be arrogant at times and was known for being very direct. The marine didn't like to take feedback from his subordinates but was also seen as a hypocrite for criticizing some of Macai's moves.
Asad was more powerful than most firebenders with skills slightly exceeding Zhao. While Asad was a bit more skilled, Zhao had more raw power, making the two of them roughly even in ability. Asad was a defensive fighter who could easily fire accurate beams of fire at his enemies. Asad's ranged firebending skills rivaled Kett. What made Asad fall short of other top-level benders is that he didn't adapt well in battle and Asad wasn't as agile as many of the best firebenders. Asad even learned jet propulsion during the later points of his career.