Aven was a rebel leader and earthbender involved in the United Way Freedom Movement. Aven was from the city Derka and was known for his passionate speeches. During Aven's speeches he talked about equality, the Earth Kingdom's sovereignty, natural rights, respect, freedom, and the importance of fighting for ideals.

Aven was well respected by the people from his city and country. He put everything on the line for what he believed. Many citizens offered to house him throughout the Earth Kingdom and in Fire Nation territories that were annexed from the Earth Kingdom.
During a speech, Aven was assassinated by the 31st Company. One member of Aven's team, betrayed him and acted as an informant in exchange for 6,000 silver shekels. During the attack, multiple hired Earth Kingdom mercenaries attacked him on stage while Sonna readied her arrow and fired a critical blow.
Aven's death inspired others in the Earth Kingdom to passionately fight the Fire Nation. This helped reinforce why Ozai felt the need to level Earth Kingdom towns and cities during Ozai's comet to break their resolve which was bolstered by these sorts of acts.