Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

Azula is the Fire Nation Princess and she dated Macai in Avatar: Macai's Journey.

Azula was the Princess of the Fire Nation and sister of Prince Zuko. Azula was a firebending prodigy and became famous for being her blue fire. Azula was closer to her father Ozai while her brother Zuko was closer to her mother Ursa. Ozai respected Azula for her ruthlessness. Blue fire is the hottest form of fire that can be used. Azula dated Macai, General Eyre's son during her early childhood and teen years.

Azula was two years younger than her brother Zuko and one year younger than her boyfriend Macai. She was also three years younger than Macai's friend Kett and one year younger than her friend Mai.

Hundred Year War

After Zuko was banished, Azula was next in line for the throne. However, if Zuko managed to capture the Avatar and bring him to Ozai; he would regain his birthright and honor. After Zuko failed to capture Aang several times and his Uncle Iroh was deemed a traitor for his actions during the Siege of the North (when the Fire Nation invaded the Northern Water Tribe); Azula was given the task of capturing the Avatar. Zuko eventually became an outcast along with his uncle.

After several battles with Team Avatar and a failed attempt to conquer Ba Sing Se; Azula took down the Earth Kingdom capital with a brilliant coup. This allowed her to become the leader of the territory and take command of the elite Da Li security unit. She then manipulated her bother into helping her defeat the Avatar.

Azula blue fire

Azula also managed to kill the Avatar Aang by striking him with lightning while he was in the Avatar state. Katara healed Aang and Iroh helped buy time for Katara to escape with Aang. Aang would eventually return and despite this accomplishment, Ozai did not give Azula the amount of credit that she had hoped for. Azula was in line to become the Fire Lord but, Ozai gave himself a new greater title of becoming the Phoenix King (the Emperor of all the Nations).

Zuko would eventually rejoin team Avatar and Iroh would escape from prison. Zuko informed his father that the Avatar survived and redirected lightning from his enraged father. This event restarted the feud between Azula and her brother.

During the Battle of Boiling Rock, team Avatar liberated several prisoners of war from the Fire Nation's largest maximum security facility. While this battle took place, Mai decided to help Zuko and confessed her love for him. Mai took down several Fire Nation guards allowing Team Avatar to escape and them Azula threatened to kill her old friend. As they were preparing to battle, Ty Lee betrayed Azula and dropped her with a swift combination. More Fire Nation guards arrived and captured the traitors.

Azula started going insane after this betrayal and Zuko noticed signs of her instability during their next fight. Zuko started to fight more evenly with his sister due to his new learned skills, improved mental state, and Azula's declining mental state. Zuko managed to draw with his sister during this fight and he realized that he could defeat her in the future.

Azula started questioning the Di Li and wondering if they would betray her. Later, as the Fire Nation prepared for its final attack on the Earth Kingdom, her mind was in shambles after she hallucinated and saw her mother. Azula's mother told her that she loved her and Azula refused to believe it. Azula felt like a monster and fired several people under her command because of her inner turmoil.

During the final battle between the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation, the Fire Nation forces at Ba Sing Se were defeated by a group of seasoned prodigies called the White Lotus. This consisted of legends Iroh, Pakku, Piado, Jeong Jeong, and Bumi. Iroh was the leader of the attack. While this happened the Avatar battled Phoenix King Ozai and defeated him by taking his bending away.

Around this same time, Azula battled her brother Zuko. Zuko fought evenly with her and eventually started beating his younger sister. Azula noticed that Katara was watching the fight in the background, she took advantage of her presence and fired lighting at Katara. Zuko noticed and took the lightning for his friend but he managed to redirect most of it. This attack knocked Zuko out and badly wounded him. Azula then attacked Katara but, was eventually outwitted and bested by her. Azula had an intense mental breakdown after her loss.

Zuko became the Fire Lord and decided to usher a new era of peace. He was close allies with Aang, but there were times that he would struggle to decide what he needed to do. Zuko often had impulses to do things the way the old Fire Nation leaders did but, also was more compassionate than Ozai and Azula. Zuko nearly got in a war with the Earth Kingdom before the Avatar intervened.

Azula was sent to an Asylum after her breakdown and Zuko would occasionally visit her. Azula lashed out at her brother during the visits. Zuko attempted to fix his family issues by brining Zuko, Ozai, and Azula together but his attempts were unsuccessful. Azula eventually escaped from the Asylum, during her time there Macai did not visit her. Zuko l

later seaed ch for his mother Ursa after he suspected she may be alive. Azula eventually followed her brother and convinced him to take her along during the search.

Azula met with her mother and verbally assaulted her. Despite this, Ursa and Zuko affirmed that they love her and would not give up on her. After hearing this, Azula fled the scene. Azula would later create her own cult that would create issues in the Fire Nation and disguised themselves as spirits when they attacked. They wore dark robes and kidnapped several children to lure Zuko and Aang into a trap. Zuko and Aang would later battle the cult and defeat Azula's forces after a competitive fight.

Azula briefly fought Zuko and demolished him. Zuko told Azula that killing him would not make her the Fire Lord and Azula admitted that she realized that she would never be the Fire Lord. Azula said that she wanted to push Zuko to become a dominant leader like his ancestors and to embrace his destiny. Then Azula left. Zuko realized that Azula was very successful in her scheme and even manipulated him to search several citizen's homes to find the children which was a violation of peoples' rights. Zuko then publicly apologized and promised to do better as a Fire Lord in the future.

Competition with Her Brother

By the time Azula was nine years old, she had mastered fourteen more forms of combat than Zuko. This led to Ozai saying that she was born lucky and that Zuko was lucky to be born. Azula was known for excelling in every subject while Zuko struggled to get by in most of his classes. These struggles caused Zuko to fall into a depression and made him perform worse in schooling. Despite this, Zuko did not perform badly, he simply preferred averagely in academics. Azula dominated her sparring matches while Zuko was still above average in his feats.

Despite Zuko's skills, they paled in comparison to his sister's.

Young Azula

Enemies with Rosh

Ever since Rosh initially met Azula, while visiting the Fire Nation Palace, their personalities quickly clashed. Rosh thought Azula was impulsive, controlling, and abusive. Rosh would constantly challenge Azula's actions and demean her behavior. This created a bitter rivalry between them. Rosh would often badmouth Azula to Macai, but Macai eventually told Rosh to not insult Azula around him. Rosh attempted to restrain his contempt, out of respect for his friend. Despite this, one day he would eventually snap and fight Azula.

After an intense fight, Azula overwhelmed him. Rosh gave Azula her closest fight to date. After being defeated, Macai went with his friend Rosh to counsel him. This upset Azula because she believed Rosh got what he deserved and wanted Macai to stay with her that day.


Azula would often bend using just two of her fingers instead of her entire fist. This allowed Azula to fire with greater precision than the other benders. This also allowed her to fire more ranged bending attacks. She was able to bend blue fire by the time she was twelve. This is the hottest type of fire, even hotter than Macai's white fire. Azula was a proficient hand-to-hand combat. She was able to defeat Ty lee and Suki without using her powers.

Azula was a fast fighter. Faster than Macai, Rosh, Kett, and several other benders. However, she was not as fast as Zuko. Despite this, Azula was a much more lethal threat than Zuko. Azula was a very patient fighter, rarely making mistakes. She often analyzed her enemies weaknesses and exposed them. Azula had a counter-defensive style that allowed her to quickly take her enemies apart after they attacked. This was quite different from Zuko's heavily offensive style.

Azula was not as flexible as Ty Lee or as fast as Mai. However, her skills were very well rounded. Azula knew how to conduct lightning and fire it out of her finger tips. This was a very rare feat that only the most disciplined firebenders could achieve. Azula's feats made her feared throughout her nation and throughout her life, legends passed about her combat skills. Few people were brave enough to engage her, even her brother feared her for much of his life. Azula was a fearless warrior herself.

Though Azula's flames were fired very accurately, she did not attack as frequently as Zuko, Macai, Rosh, or Kett. Azula was known for her great timing, which was arguably the best in her era. Azula's fighting style made her very effective against overly aggressive fighters like Zuko and Zhao, however she struggled more against sharp and patient fighters like Katara. Azula also would struggle against someone like Iroh or Macai who have unpredictable fighting styles and good grappling skills.

Azula's flames were known for being of a great length and had a moderate width/radius. Azula's flames were not as wide as Ozai's, Rosh's, Eyre's, Macai's, or Zuko's (after book 2). Iroh was known for using a minimalist approach and firing average width and ranged flames however when Iroh breathed flames they covered a greater width than that of the other benders. Ozai's flames covered a greater length than all of the other benders. Azula was an expert at breaking her enemies' confidence in battle, especially in one vs one fights.

Azula was able to fight multiple enemies at once due to her sheer skill, but her style does not specialize in this. While Macai's, Rosh's, and even Zuko's styles where more suited for facing large groups. Azula was great at hiding and minimizing her weaknesses while exaggerating those of her enemies. Azula was very sharp when in combat and it was very difficult to break her concentration while in battle. Azula had sharper reflexes than nearly all the other benders; including her Father, Rosh, Zuko, Kanna, Katara, and Iroh. Azula's reflexes were roughly even with Macai's, but her reflexes were still a little sharper.

Azula had decent strength behind her attacks. Roughly equal to her brother Zuko. Zuko had more raw strength, but Azula knew where to strike her enemies to make her attacks more devastating. Macai and Rosh both had more raw strength than Azula. Rosh a bit more so than Macai, but Macai's attacks were faster and more unpredictable. Iroh was physically stronger than both Macai and Rosh. The same is true with Toph and Kett who physically was even stronger than Toph. Kett's reflexes were about equal to Azula's.

Azula was the best long term strategist of her era. While Macai was the best Field Commander of his era. Macai had a strong bond with his unit, which became a legendary Fire Nation battalion. Iroh once said that if Azula and Macai were to engage each other in a long-term conflict, Macai would win most of the battles but Azula would win the war.

Azula Throne (avatar)


Azula was a very confident individual and she was known for berating her opponents in battle. She was very competitive and had many internal emotional struggles. Despite her sharp exterior, Azula deeply longed for love within but didn't know how to ask for it. Azula often hid her emotions due to fear of appearing weak. Azula didn't get close to her uncle Iroh because she believed that he loved Zuko more than her. She also thought the same about her mother, causing her to shun her advice.

Azula's mother Ursa, struggled to understand her daughter and despised the way she treated her son Zuko. However, Ursa still loved Azula, she just didn't know how to effectively communicate with her. This created a strong divide between the two of them. Azula often complained to Macai about how her mother did not treat her fairly, but she attempted to limit how much she brought up the subject when she realized the subject made Macai feel uneasy. Azula believed that Macai had some weaknesses in him because he still did not like to discuss certain subjects, however Macai was much more compliant than Zuko.



Macai initially met Azula during his childhood when he was visiting a local park in the Fire Nation Capital. Macai's confidence surprised Azula and earned her admiration. They agreed to meet regularly after this encounter, without informing their parents. Eventually Macai's father Eyre discovered his plan and made him undergo his most intense training session yet. The training was so intense that Macai passed out.

Azula and Macai had an intense relationship. Azula trusted Macai more than most people and she looked forward to seeing him more than almost anything. Ursa once pleaded with Yosari to convince Macai to ask Azula to be nicer to her brother.

Macai and Azula (Avatar)

Macai and Azula in a building.

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Macai broke up with Azula during a dispute that took place after the Fall of Ba Sing Se.


Azula's relationship with Chan was short lived after one failed date when Azula him scared away.

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Azula acted very desperately because Macai had recently broken up with her. Azula wanted to quickly replace Macai to fill a void within her heart. While Azula always had a personality that intimidated people, she became edgier and more unstable after going separate ways with Macai.
