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Also known as heavy troopers or berserkers were tall, strong, and physically imposing Disciple of Justice members. These troopers had thick armor and high pain tolerances. Brutes had diet plans, extreme workout regimens, and were experimented on by Demarius to be stronger. larger, and more durable than other soldiers. These heavy troopers were often 6'3-8'5 in height.

DOJ Brutes (AMJ)


Brutes could be bends of any elements, but most were nonbenders. Brutes were vulnerable because they were large targets which could make them easy to hit by more skilled benders. Less powerful benders might have needed to perform several strikes to take down brutes. Brutes could be dangerous as well because their bending attacks tended to be larger and more powerful than those performed by regular benders. The brute nonbenders often had larger weapons with greater range than what most soldiers used.


Most nonbender brutes used heavy axes or battle hammers. Battle hammers were often longer and wider than swords but were made completely of steel or some other type of metal. One hit from a battle hammer could be fatal and send a smaller soldier flying. Heavy axes were armor piercing weapons and the force that brutes struck with made it where they could bash their way through almost anything in front of them.
