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Captain Apeko was an Earth Kingdom officer who fought the 31st Company during their "Push Into Vanaloori". Vanaloori was a remote area in the Earth Kingdom which consisted of several creeks and swamps.

Captain Apeko (AMJ)


Apeko was known for using a round shield when fighting. Apeko combined his use of his shield with his close combat skills and earthbending abilities. Apeko tried to stop a team of advancing 31st shock troopers and managed to take down several of them before Asad got the best of him. Apeko survived the conflict and would continue to fight valiantly against the Fire Nation. Even after the fall of Ba Sing Se and capture of King Kuei, Apeko gained several new skills as he fought as an underdog against Fire Nation occupied territories.

Apeko eventually learned stealth skills and guerrilla warfare as he picked apart large teams of Fire Nation military units with his allies. The Earth captain began destroying fuel depots, sabotaging military convoys, disrupting military advances, raiding outposts, and doing other things with the collaboration of Earth Kingdom soldiers and freedom fighters. Apeko even completed on a couple of missions alongside United Way Liberation Movement members.

By the end of the Hundred Year War, Captain Apeko was given the opportunity to join the Earth Kingdom special forces. From there, Apeko became an Earth Kingdom Commando officer who went on vital reconnaissance and infiltration missions for the Earth Kingdom Army.

Post Hundred Year War

Apeko was later promoted to the rank of major and was sent to lead a squad of Earth Kingdom commandos on army special force operations.
