Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

The son of Admiral Chan and a resident of Ember Island.

Chan Avatar

Date with Azula

After Azula broke up with Macai before the final months of the Hundred Year War, she decided to go on vacation in Ember Island, a place she regularly visited in her early childhood. This was a special way to celebrate with her brother Prince Zuko, after her victory over Avatar Aang at Ba Sing Se. While on paper, Azula was doing better than ever before emotionally she was unsure of herself. Azula had trouble with men and boys because most of them were scared of her and the one that wasn't (Macai) had dumped her after their last altercation at a party.

Azula also invited her friends Ty Lee and Mai to her vacation retreat. Chan and his best friend, Roun-Jian were impressed by Ty Lee and Mai's athletics during their time at Ember Island. Azula interrupted their conversation to demand that she and Zuko also attend the party. The noble was initially reluctant but eventually gave into the Fire Nation princess's request.

When Azula and the others arrived at the house, Azula decided to directly flirt with Chan. She saw it as a chance to get back at Macai and replace him. However, Azula was not used to initiating romantic engagements and she was particularly desperate which made her come off awkwardly. Interestingly enough, Chan was awkward himself.

Being a wealthy duke and having immense resources made it where Chan did not need be the coolest or smoothest person to land dates with beautiful women. Chan often dated noble women of lower status (baronesses, viscountesses, and countesses) using his status to pull girls in. Chan dressed well, smelled great, and exercised to make sure he looked like a great catch.

After a few minutes of flirting, Azula kissed Chan. Seconds later, Azula ignited blue fire from her hands and said that she and Chan would be the most powerful couple in the world. Chan was thrown off by Azula's nature and quickly made an excuse to flee.

Chan returned to his party only to find that Zuko had thrown Roun-Jian into a vase that once belonged to his grandmother. Zuko was feeling insecure and was worried that Chan's friend was trying to make a move on his girlfriend, Mai. A furious Chan kicked Zuko out of the party. Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee left the party to support their friend. The group returned in Chan's home and completely trashed it for revenge. Chan broke down in tears.


Chan was arrogant and prideful due to his high status.

Macai and Rosh's view of Chan

Macai never had much of an opinion about Chan or many interactions with him. After the Hundred Year War, Azula would later tell him the story of their interaction at Ember Island. Macai believed Chan was a conceited duke who was spoiled and took great pleasure in his misfortune. The firebender stated Chan was a "scrub" and Azula was "down bad" to have dated him even once.

Rosh replied that Chan didn't do anything wrong despite being annoying. Rosh explained that Chan was reasonable for being upset that Zuko broke his grandmother's vase and said he would have also kicked him out. Rosh further emphasized Azula and Zuko acted like conceited thugs and royals to tear his home apart simply because they knew they could without any real repercussions. Macai then argued the siblings made a power play and Rosh dismissed Macai's counter by saying "Real power is not only about the ability to defeat or embarrass others. It is also about knowing when to fight and when to not fight." Rosh implied that both Zuko and Azula were mentally weak to have done what they did at that moment.

Macai ended the argument by saying Rosh shouldn't put all the blame on the royals without blaming their friends Ty Lee and Mai who also supported them. Macai stated following a group of people who are wrong makes an individual equally wrong.
