Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

Character interviews is a special feature of this wiki. In the interviews, a series of artificial interviewers ask AMJ characters questions about their lives and universe.

The Interviewers

Hiko Okada: The main AMJ interviewer. Hiko asks characters questions after the Hundred Year War, he has a perspective that is open and not particularly biased for one nation over the other. Instead, he has a more progressive view and is the result of Zuko's search for a more progressive press.

Shen Roff: Shen Roff is a Fire Nation interviewer who has a biased nationalistic perspective.

Zue Gazi: Miss Zue is of Water Tribe origin. She writes from an open perspective and has interviews that occur both during and after the Hundred Year War.

Krato Kassa: Krato is from the Earth Kingdom.

Current Interviews

Interview with Macai

Interview with Rosh

Interview with Kanna Foloki
