The Eastern Water Tribe was the smallest of the Water Tribe regions. It was known for being better developed than the Southern and Western Water Tribes. The Eastern Tribe even rivaled the North in development at times but mainly was behind them during the ATLA period because of their more limited population size.
While the Northern and Southern water tribes were islands located on the outskirts of the Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and former Air Nomad territories, the Eastern and Western located geographically further than the other nations. This tribe was located 800 miles east of the Fire Nation and slightly north of its location putting it somewhat between the Fire Nation and Eastern Air Temple in elevation. It was geographically smaller than the Northern and Southern Water Tribes which made it more difficult to detect and often forgotten about by nations outside of the Water Tribes. Even some ordinary citizens were not knowledgeable of the Eastern and Western Tribes.
The Eastern Tribe secretly worked alongside an Earth Kingdom corporation called TechGiant as it looked to surpass the North. They started making tanks in secret and production factories for trade. Several of the new Water Tribe assault tanks were deployed in battle against Macai's 31st regiment.
The Eastern Water Tribe sported many open beaches and hills.
The Eastern Water Tribe troopers were dressed more elegantly than the Southern, Western, and even Nothern troops. They had a very formal rank structure and beautiful armor. During the final years of the Hundred Year War, they started to work more closely with troops from the Western and Southern Water Tribes and had to get used to their different war tactics and leadership styles.