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During the Hundred Year War, the Fire Nation military was known for being the most industrialized and sophisticated of the branches. The Fire Nation consisted of two major branches as well as several sub-branches (organized groups that had specific roles) and task forces (specific groups that operated within a branch or sub-branch). Also separate were special task forces (specific groups that operated outside of branch hierarchy and command).

The Firelord was the commander-in-chief of the Fire Nation military. The Firelord delegated power to army generals and navy admirals. The War Minister developed and offered technology and equipment for the Fire Nation military and reported directly to the Firelord. The Fire Nation had the largest navy in the world and the second biggest army after the Earth Kingdom.

Major Branches


Fire Nation Colony Defense Troops

The oldest and longest lasting branch was the Fire Nation's Army. The armies main role was the use of local defense of occupied territories and ground-based attacks of enemy outposts, bases, municipalities, and the annexing of enemy terrain.

The army was made up of about 85% nonbenders. That includes swordsmen, duelists, spear warriors, archers, and other soldiers that cannot control or produce fire. The other 15% of Fire Nation personnel were firebenders, making up a bit more than to 1 in 7 Fire Nation troopers. Beyond that, around 10% of Fire Nation personnel held some sort of title of nobility while the other 90% were commoners.

Some commoners had roles as sub-officers while most higher-ranking officer roles were kept for the top members.


Fire Nation Navy

The Fire Nation navy is the other major Fire Nation branch. It includes several advanced steal ships that have fire catapults as well as interior openings where firebenders can punch flames at enemies. A few more advanced prototypes even have cannons which have greater accuracy and speed than catapults at the expense of a slightly more limited range. The way Fire Nation cannons were made they were heavy and difficult to arch often forcing them to only be fired in one direction at a time. It would take a lot of work to rotate the cannons to face different targets.

Ship sizes also varied between these:

  1. Flagships- These were capital ships of fleets. Flagships could be of any design but what made them stand out is commanding officers of fleets whether admirals, captains, or commanders would be in them.
  2. Dreadnaught- A dreadnaught is the largest class of Fire Nation warships. The first known dreadnaught was used by Firelord Sozin but it was eventually sabotaged and destroyed. Another dreadnaught was not used until Firelord Ozai's time. This was the largest ship in the Fire Nation military being estimated to be around a whooping 70 meters wide and 250 meters long.
  3. Heavy cruisers- A special variation of cruisers made to destroy other cruisers and large vessels. These were incredibly rare since the Fire Nation lacked direct naval rivals however, the Fire Nation Intelligence Department often kept reserves of these ships incase enemies managed to steal or hi-jack Fire Nation cruisers. They were also used to keep any defectors in check and to instill fear in subordinate fleets. These ships were usually wider with thicker armor than other Fire Nation vessels averaging at around 60 meters wide and 150 meters long.
  4. Battlecruisers- These ships were large warships of the Fire Nation. They were made to obliterate anything they came across and could unleash devastating payloads while bombarding shorelines, islands, or costal settlements. These ships typically were 50 meters wide and 230 meters long. Princess Azula's royal cruiser is a flagship of the battlecruiser class.
  5. Frigates- Frigates were medium-sized ships used to lead groups of destroyers, patrol ships, and/or lightcruisers. Frigates tended to be 40 meters wide and 200 meters long.
  6. Destroyers- Destroyers were lighter and faster versions of cruisers. They sacrificed durability and firepower for quicker movement and lower fuel demands. A notable destroyer is the Prompt Adjudicator which was a hybrid ship that had some frigate-like functions. These ships were usually around 30 meters wide and 180 meters long. Destroyers often escorted cruisers or frigates in battle but sometimes they were used as independent scout ships (destroyers designed for these roles were classified as corvettes). Destroyers also lead patrol ships and lightcruisers.
  7. Lightcruisers- Lightcruisers were smaller ships that either operated independently or led small scout groups. These ships were usually 20 meters wide and 120 meters long. After his banishment, Prince Zuko was given a lightcruiser to hunt the Avatar with. Zuko's ship was actually an old battlecruiser but due to the increase in size of modern battlecruisers, the classifications of older cruisers changed.
  8. Patrol boats- Patrol boats were the smallest of Fire Nation vessels and were used to clear landings for navy troopers or shock troopers/marines. These boats were 15 meters wide and 50 meters long.


Army Sub-Branches:

Air Force:

The Air Force was the largest army sub-branch which mainly consisted of hot air balloons and airships that were armed with several cannons. Airships were among the pride of the Fire Nation and were heavily valued for their large size, moderate durability, and incredible accuracy. They were very expensive and therefore were used seldomly. Hot air balloons were a more common form of aerial support but were still quite costly for most and colonels.

Special Task Forces

Intel Department:

AMJ Intel Troopers 2

The Intelligence Department included several special forces that operated in reconnaissance, espionage, and worked directly against anti-government conspiracy. A big role of intel agents was the maintenance of the status quo, the destruction of local rivals, and the enforcement of unity. The Intel Department had its own sea vessels that weren't part of the navy and elite troopers who didn't not report to army officials.

The loyalty and responsibility from the Intel Department was directly under the Firelord. This department could even be used to audit, monitor, arrest, and execute government leaders. This includes governors, mayors, generals, admirals, and other national leaders. The training endured by these members was the most brutal in the Fire Nation. Members were not only picked for skills but also ruthlessness, pain tolerance, and loyalty.

Domestic Forces

Domestic forces were basically local police and prison guards. These members had a lower standard of training than Fire Nation Army, Navy, or special task personnel.

Task Forces

Navy Task Forces

Marine Division: The marine division included navy forces that specialized in amphibious warfare. This meant that it had several sailors who operated water vessels as well as shock troopers who specialized at deploying from their ships onto the surface. These shock troopers or marines usually were more aggressive and zealous than the average troopers. The training for such positions included the use of many storm, raid, and charge tactics. The death rate from marines tended to be higher than other Fire Nation groups.

Souther Raiders: Southern Raiders were a semi-elite group of Fire Nation members who were tasked with the responsibility of attacking the Southern Water Tribes. This group was a division within the Fire Nation Marine Division which included naval and ground personnel.
