The purpose of this page is mentioning future planned projects for the Avatar: Macai's Journey sub-franchise.
- FFN expansion: AMJ might be added to a new platform to increase viewership. (done)
- Wattpad promotion: Finding more ways to promote AMJ on wattpad.
- Social media operations: How can we utilize Facebook to bring in new AMJ fans?
AMJ Wiki[]
- Reach out to Community Central for promotional post. (done)
- Add articles regarding the fight resumes of key characters. Ex: Karanga, Tufen, Toph, Iroh, Aang, Azula, Zuko, Zhao, Asad
- Make more fight reaction and analysis articles (Haresh vs Rosh 1-3, Kanna vs Alev 2, Ronin vs Kett, Rosh vs Asad, Macai vs Iroh).
- Make a page for each episode of AMJ.
Prequels/ Past-Setting Spinoffs[]
- Avatar: The Vindicated Avenger (in progress on Webnovel)
- Avatar: Samira's Story
- Avatar: Age of Ambition
Sequels/ Future-Setting Spinoffs[]
- Avatar: Lingering Tensions (in progress on Avatar Wiki, completed on Webnovel and Wattpad)
- Avatar: Rosh's Journey
- Avatar: Kanna's Marvelous Adventure
Character Creator
- Kanna Foloki & Skippy image with background and armor. /
- Yosari with background and uniform. /
- Eyre with armor and background. /
- Cosal with armor outside. /
Note: Table pictures for female characters because they can already be represented via Crypko and Waifu labs. However, Crypko doesn't create tanner character shades so characters like Alev and Yosari should be represented through this platform.
Continue to explore different options (Miscrosoft Paint, Crypko, and Waifulabs have currently been utilized). Try Microsoft Paint 3D to enhance images.
Animation Project[]
Use OpenToonz to experiment and see if AMJ future projects are possible.