Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki


Gendall was from the rural Fire Nation town, Duneki. Where he grew up, most days consisted of modest manual labor. His mother was very mean and demanding while his father was very relaxed and carefree. Gendall became a naturally patient individual who learned to tune out his mother's toxic rants. This caused Gendall to become indifferent about a lot of things in life and go with many circumstances.

AMJ Gendall

Hundred Year War

During the Hundred Year War, Gendall did whatever he was told. Fortunately, he wasn't sent on many morally questionable missions. Most of the time, he simply guarded importantly areas or got in minor clashes with Earth Kingdom patrols. His rank hardly changed as he moved up from a private to a corporal in around ten years of service. He was never sent on the most dangerous nor the most prestigious missions, but it never bothered Gendall. As always, he went with the flow.

Gendall wasn't known to complain. Few people hated him, but few truly admired him. For much of his life, Gendall was just there. He was hardly recognized still he found his own things to appreciate and look forward to. Throughout his long life as a soldier, he never found love or a woman that was right for him despite hitting his thirties. Still, he never let that phase him either. Gendall's father was always pleased with him for making a living and gave him advice on many life topics.

Tragedy struck eight years before Avatar the Last Airbender when Gendall's father died from Cardiac Arrest. Two years later, his mother became very ill. Gendall briefly left the service to look after her, during that time he endured great verbal abuse. Gendall's mother inaccurately blamed his father's death on him. She died just a year after that. Not having an immediate family or many close friends, Gendall re-enlisted to take his mind off his turmoil at home.

Gendall stood by his nation's military until their fall. Soon after, his commanding officer, Major Jeriko, informed his unit that he intended to continue his war effort against Zuko's forces. Jeriko gave Gendall and the troops under his command an option to leave. Gendall knowing he had little left to return to, decided to keep fighting for the Remnant.

Fire Nation Remnant

During a battle that quickly turned South, Gendall was captured along with several other Remnant troopers. He was sent to the Gokoliee Prison Complex where he met Ronin and Kedo, two former 31st Company members who also joined the Remnant. The trio eventually would escape the facility and become allies as they all looked to survive and evade capture from Zuko's Military Forces. Gendall would quickly grow from just being seen as another person to becoming a key friend and ally to one of the most feared Fire Nation Remnant Sects.

Soon after, Gendall would begin to become a bit of a leader and someone other Remnant members could look up to. He began to find the courage and will to convey more of his opinions. He started to reflect more on his life. Still what guided him at this time, was mainly not his own ambitions. Instead, he was primarily guided by his admiration for his friends. For Gendall, they were the only family he had.


Gendall was relaxed, patient, kind, and obedient. The only times he was willing to challenge authority was later on in his career, if he felt the best interest of the regular soldiers in his unit were being undermined. Gendall also had a soft spot for children who he admired. Gendall admitted he would never follow any orders to harm children (under the age 13) if the situation arose, fortunately for him, it never came up.

Though Gendall put an age limit at 13, he preferred to not kill young people below the legal adult age of 16. Gendall was asked if he would kill the Avatar since he was just 12 when he was discovered. The soldier answered that he rather capture him but if it came down to it Gendall answered the Avatar is not a normal boy. Still, deep down he didn't know if he'd be willing to kill Aang if the situation came up.
