General Gambo was a legendary Earth Kingdom General who fought against the Fire Nation for many years throughout the Hundred Year War. General Gambo won many battles against the Fire Nation and managed to survive their persecution for several years. General Gambo was often on the top list of most dangerous Earth Kingdom leaders and members for over a decade. The main reason General Gambo was deemed so dangerous was a combination between his combat skills and his strategic excellence.
Gambo was looked up to by many Earth Kingdom soldiers and civilians alike. During the later stages of the General's career, Gambo would fight against General Jolhe's forces during the Siege of Herrona. This battle lasted for about two months. Toward the end of the siege, Captain Macai's 31st forces helped push Gambo's forces out of the city. By the time Macai's unit had arrived, Gambo's forces already destroyed most of Jolhe's tanks and artillery units. However, most of Gambo's artillery units were also destroyed.
Gambo's infantry units still successfully kept Jolhe's forces from advancing. Macai's unit broke Gambo's lines with the young leader's new and fresh tactics. When Gambo realized his line was faltering, he ordered his forces to retreat to avoid unnecessary losses. Gambo then united with Earth Kingdom reinforcements and returned to Herrona a few days later with a force ten times larger than the stationed Fire Nation forces. Gambo also fought several light assault tanks to support his attack unit as well as several Earth Kingdom Commandos.
However, Macai devised a brilliant plan to counter the unit. Several Fire Nation troopers made a stand against their enemies while archers covered them. Once Gambo's forces pushed the first line of defense back, other troops waited to ambush Gambo's advancing units. Gambo and his men then had a massive clash with Macai's unit in the center of Herrona city where the General would make his last stand.
Gambo was remembered years after the Hundred Year War and stories were told about him in Earth Kingdom schools. Eventually, Water Tribe and Fire Nation schools also taught their youth about Gambo's military accomplishments. However, Gambo's history was taught the most in Earth Kingdom institutions.
Gambo was a strict and direct General who did not socialize much with his troopers when off the clock. Gambo allowed his soldiers to have a lot of freedom when they were not on the clock however, Gambo demanded that his soldiers treat any citizens they saw with respect. Gambo never allowed his men to execute prisoners and Gambo was known for being a man of his word. Gambo would commit to supporting other Earth Kingdom units, even when it was a burden for his unit. The General was known for keeping himself emotionally stable during worrying events and always having an optimistic attitude in battle.
The General taught his troopers that their appearance meant a lot. Gambo would punish members who did not follow their dress codes or whose uniforms looked sloppy. Gambo often punished troopers by assigning them cleaning, labor, and sanitation duties. Despite the General's detached personality, he often opened up around children. Gambo participated in several donation and fundraiser events within various Earth Kingdom cities. Gambo was given the Bronze Steward prize in Ba Sing Se, for his "selfless contributions to national youth".
Gambo also helped fund education programs in poor school districts. Gambo spoke at several events that were focused on building up cities that were damaged by the Fire Nation military during the war.