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AMJ Testhan

Testhan riding Higoshi riders (at the top) battle two of Voren's wingmen.

Higoshi riders are a specific group of Higoshi warriors who specialize in riding testhans. Testhans are flying predatory creatures which have sharp claws and teeth. Each rider has a strong bond with their testhan and views them as a family member. The Higoshi riders live in the Higoshi Mountains which are located in the southern portion of Higoshi island, an island that is about 80 miles south of the Fire Nation capital.


Higoshi riders live in tents located on top of the Higoshi mountains, but they have meetings in the Higoshi caves which sit outside of several beautiful waterfalls. The caves have many decorations, wall writings, and lanterns inside of them making them an ancestral meeting place. Higoshi warriors participate in a clan dance each season. Traditions include having celebrations after winning battles where people dance to music, eat meat, and drink maroon wine.

Higoshi warriors near universally know how to cook grits, cassava, rice, eggs, seafood, and how to roast meat. Likewise, these proud men are taught to make tents, control fires, and play instruments. Instruments include drums, guitars, violins, flutes, and trumpets.
