Irina is a book 4 character in Avatar: Macai's Journey.
Irina was a member of Macai's 31st regiment who joined after the end of the Hundred Year War. During her training, Irina developed a strong relationship with her new mentor Hagenko. Hagenko was a spear-wielding warrior who fought for over a decade. Irina was about eighteen when she joined the 31st.

Family Favorite
Irina grew up as an oldest sister. She looked out for two of her younger siblings (a brother and sister). Her brother was five years younger than her and very immature while her sister was two years younger. Irina and her sister often engaged in banter and friendly competitions but when things got tough Irina's siblings looked up to her for guidance. Irina's mother was often sickly for much of their lives and the father had to work a lot. This forced Irina to step up as leader and to lead her brother and sister in caring for her mother.
At times, Irina's mother would recover and feel healthier. Then other times, her health would decline again. Irina promised her mother she would get all the money she could muster so that she could pay every doctor in her town until she found a cure for her mom's moderate yet chronic genetic disease.
Irina was prudent, patient, and humble. She was a woman of few words. The marine initially lacked confidence when she joined but Hagenko helped her jump over that hurdle. Irina quickly became one of the best nonbenders in the 31st and was naturally a quick learner. While several members didn't take her seriously when she signed up, every 31st marine respected her after her first month of service.
Irina was good at controlling her distance when fighting opponents and knowing just how far to strike to land a hit or move to avoid getting hit. Irina was fast, agile, limber, and sharp. Although she wasn't the best in any of these categories, she was one of the best for making due with the skills she had. Irina knew how to fight with daggers incase she lost her spear and was a moderately skilled sword duelist.