Jet was a freedom fighter, resistance cell leader, and guerrilla expert. He was partially inspired by Raggus Praxus's uprising on Eggar's Island. Jet was known for having extreme methods when it came to defeating the Fire Nation. Jet witnessed Fire Nation troopers verbally, physically, and mentally abusing local inhabitants when they occupied his village. Some of the local women were even claimed as wives by young soldiers, Jet lead a daring counterattack which liberated several of the women.
Personal Views
Jet once harbored prejudice views toward Firebenders and his cell humiliated Fire Nation citizens.
Conflict with the Team Avatar
He became disillusioned in his goal to defeat his enemies which led to him attempting to destroy an Earth Kingdom village in order to uproot Fire Nation forces within his area. This lead to him having a scuffle with Aang and his friends.
United Way's View on Jet
During the Hundred Year War, United Way Freedom Movement and members such as Sada, Jarue, and Tyson worked with Jet for a time until they eventually ceased dealings with him due to his brutal measures against the Fire Nation.
Jet's Views on Macai
Jet never met Macai or came into contact with the 31st Company. However, he had heard of their conquests, how they shut down Raggus's revolt, and how Macai killed General Gambo and other key Earth Kingdom icons. In addition to this, Macai was known for shutting down the freedom fighter Aven's revolution. All of this caused Jet to have a deep disdain for him, perhaps even greater than his contempt for Azula though still not as great as his hate for Ozai.
Jet would eventually be imprisoned and interrogated by the Dai Li and their leader Long Feng. He would be brainwashed and used to attack his former friends in Team Avatar. Though in the end, he would be unwilling to kill his friends and would be dispatched by Long Feng for this very reason. Still, his sacrifice would lead to Long Feng's fall and longtime imprisonment though the situation was further complicated by Azula's sweeping coup of the Earth Kingdom Capital.