Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

There was another Kanna in Kanna Foloki's universe who was Katara and Sokka's grandmother. She as a nonbender and the olderest resident of a city called called Wolf Cove which was rebuilt by the Northern and Southern Water Tribes to be the Southern Water Tribe capital. Kanna initially did not trust Aang until she learned he was the Avatar.

Gran Gran Kanna

Early Life

Kanna was arranged to marry a Northern Water Tribe member named Pakku. She had issues with following through with her duties because of Pakku's openly sexist views. For years, Kanna evaded the marriage and Pakku continued his life as a trainer in the Northen Water Tribe. Pakku despite his beliefs still loved Kanna and carved a special necklace for her.

As years passed several battles took place which wore the Southern Water Tribe thin. Wolf Cove at the time was a bustling city but much of it was blown to dust by vicious Fire Nation troops. Kanna started to become bitter but her son worked his way up during those desperate times and managed to become a chief. Kanna passed her necklace to Kya and after Kya's demise her granddaughter Katara took the necklace for her own as a way to remember her mother.

After the Hundred Year War

Pakku gained much respect for Katara due to her heroism and boldness during their time together. Pakku began to change his views about women and sought out Kanna. Kanna initially shot him down before Pakku shared how he had changed and how Katara inspired him and changed his life.

Pakku carved Katara a second necklace. Two years after the war, the duo officially married. Unfortunately, Sokka and Katara were not able to witness the marriage but reunited with her to discuss what had happened.

Medical Skills

Kanna had a great knowledge of medicine, healing, natural herbs, and natural ointments. She could patch up, bandage, and treat most injured people with immense care and quality. These skills were later passed on to her granddaughter who took it to the next level with her waterbending.
