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Kenshin & Basin (AMJ)

Commander Kenshin meets Basin, one of Macai's marines.

Kenshin was the commander who led over the 31st Company as well as his own 52nd Attack Battalion that the 31st was a detachment of. As a Commander, Kenshin had command of his own fleet. Kenshin's fleet consisted of several cruisers, corvettes, and frigates. Kenshin's personal ship the Clouded Bombarder had longer range guns than most cruisers and had an advanced telescope that allowed his crew to view other fleets from afar or enemy positions.


Like Zyger and Hazo, Kenshin served as a mentor to Captain Macai. Kenshin explained several military concepts and procedures to Macai when they were around each other. Macai largely modeled himself off Kenshin's leadership. Macai admired how Kenshin had a strong personal relationship with his men, unlike his father Eyre. Kenshin trusted and admired Macai for his sharp wits and ability to accomplish difficult tasks with limited experience. Kenshin spoke highly of Macai at officer meetings and whenever he traveled to the Capital.

Despite their close relationship, they rarely worked directly together. Most of the time, Macai and the 31st Company went on their own missions which were complementary to Kenshin's military campaigns. While Kenshin fought with his own Centurion Company. It wasn't uncommon for Kenshin's company to arrive last after the other companies already engaged the enemy and paved the way to victory.


Kenshin was a prudent and patient leader. Unlike Eyre, Kenshin earned Macai's respect for having a close relationship with his subordinates. Despite Kenshin's skills, he knew Macai would eventually surpass him. Macai was largely unaware of his potential until after his victory against General Gambo's forces at Herrona.
