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The 52nd Earth King, Kuei was the ruler of the Earth Kingdom during the later years of the Hundred Year War and the first few years after. For most years in his early reign he was a puppet and was being played and controlled by Long Feng who kept him out of the loop about the Hundred Year War.

Kuei (avatar(

Part of Kuei's cluelessness was due to him gaining the throne at a young age. His mother died when he was just a boy after falling to a rare disease. His father was assassinated and he was given his title at just 15 years of age. With the immense responsibilities dealt to him, he did not understand many political occurrences and Long Feng guided him. Under Feng's watch, all of Kuei's problems were seemingly handled.

During the coup of Ba Sing Se, Kuei was placed in captivity by the treacherous Dai Li and Princess Azula. Keui became a stronger and more well-rounded ruler after the incident and learned to analyze more information for himself. Keui also did not rely solely on the Dai Li but also utilized Earth Kingdom commandos, detectives, spies, and government administrators to assist in his decision making.

Keui became very known for visiting different cities and collaborating with local majors to find the best way to make his kingdom stronger and more successful. He started making more trips out of his capital than his parents before him and Long Feng. By doing this, public perception of him greatly improved.

International Role

Keui quickly developed a reputation of being a strong international player. He worked closely with Zuko, Aang, and Hakoda to resolve disputes.
