Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

This character is a book 2 antagonist in Avatar: Macai's Journey.

Major Hannock was a fearsome Earth Kingdom Army Officer. Major Hannock fought in many battles against the Fire Nation and won most of them. He was known for his mighty stands and low tolerance for failure. Hannock often humiliated soldiers who failed to follow orders or meet their mandates. Hannock had a great enmity for Fire Nation officers and soldiers. Any Fire Nation troopers captured by Hannock's forces were known for being brutally tortured and forced to do intense manual labor.

The Fort of Rongor[]

Hannock was placed in command of the Rongor fort. The fort was located on the beachhead of Rongor which was a major industrial Earth Kingdom city. The beachhead had many cannons and troopers on it. The fort itself was about twenty feet away from the beachhead. It was a massive fort that was forty-five feet tall, one hundred and twenty feet long, and thirty feet wide. The fort had several lighter cannons on it as well five massive cannons that were capable of firing eight foot radius balls of death at their enemies. The heavy cannons could cripple corvettes, destroyers, and light cruisers with just one well-placed shot. The drill also pumped the cannons and gave them the power to be fired.

The heavy cannons had sensational range (500 meters) but they took a while to charge up. The heavy cannons took about ten minutes to charge and they were charged by a drill that was located inside of the fort. The drill extracted minerals from the ground below to power the weapon and generate the earth balls.

Major Hannock (AMJ) 1


Hannock had dark green armor with shades of gold throughout. Hannock was in his early fifties but he was also in remarkable shape. Hannock was able to compete with Kett in a fist fight and hold his own against several high-level Firebenders at once. Hannock had fought legends like Jeong Jeong and Iroh in his past and survived. Hannock was a top ten Earthbender during the events of Avatar the Last Airbender. He also was an exceptional hand-to-hand combatant and duelist.

There was a saying that the only reason Hannock was never made into a General was because he was too brutal. Hannock said he never wanted to be a General because he rather get his hands dirty as a Major. Hannock believed Generals spent too much time talking in war rooms and not enough time on the frontlines.

The Rugged Battalion[]

Hannock's unit was nicknamed the Rugged Battalion. They were known for being relentless and very tough. Members of this unit viciously wiped out several Fire Nation units in battle. Hannock taught his troopers how to pursue victory at all costs. The members of the unit often fought in intense matches in their fight club. Hannock would lock two troopers in a cage and make them fight until someone was beaten to submission. Hannock would often say, "You have to be monsters to win this war. War is not for the feint-hearted. War is an ugly business."

Hannock hated retreating, but would if he absolutely had to. However, after being captured once, Hannock would never surrender under any circumstances. Hannock was captured about ten years before the events of ATLA. He was sent to one of the most brutal Fire Nation war camps. This corrupted his mind and he was severely beaten by Fire Nation enforcers for not divulging any information. Hannock and many of his men were forced to work in manual labor. They were spat at and whipped.

Hannock and his forces eventually managed a prison break. After escaping, Hannock mercilessly killed all of the Fire Nation prison guards. Then Hannock vowed to never surrender to the Fire Nation again. This amplified his hatred towards the Fire Nation and made Hannock a deadlier warrior. Many of Hannock's most trusted troopers were just as brutal as him. However, some soldiers and officers that were later assigned to him were less brutal and did not understand the Major's methods.


In addition to being a top ten earthbender of his era, Major Hannock was a respected Earthbending Master. He earned the title in his early thirties. The interesting thing about Hannock is that his legendary stories increased after he hit his thirties. It seemed as if he only grew stronger after he hit that age and he never seemed to slow down in his growth. Hannock took down several noteworthy Fire Nation Commanders, Captains, and Generals in battle.

Hannock was physically strong and a bit faster than average despite his age. Hannock was resilient and could take several hits in combat without being discouraged. In addition to this, Hannock was able to muster massive earth attacks and dispatch multiple soldiers at once in combat with little effort. Hannock was inventive and could find unorthodox ways to attack his foes.
