Piandao was the greatest swordsman of his era. Hailing from the Fire Nation, he had a fierce reputation of being a brilliant swordsman and blademaker. He once served in the Fire Nation army and never lost a battle.

Piandao deserted the Fire Nation after being ordered to execute Earth Kingdom prisoners of war. Piandao rejected the order, but his allies proceeded to execute them. Disgusted with his nation, Piandao vowed to never fight for it again. Soon after, a unit of one hundred Fire Nation troopers confronted the iconic duelist and threatened to imprison him for his crimes. This force contrains a mix of swordsmen, spear warriors, firebenders, archers, and troops with long axes. Piandao defeated them all. After the brutal massacre, Fire Nation officials decided to simply ignore him.
Meeting Sokka[]
Aang's longtime companion Sokka was seeking a high quality swords instructor. After going undercover, he went to Pakku's palace. The young man asked the swordsman to train him and humbly admitted he was not a worthy student. Piandao, honored by this feat that was uncommon in the Fire Nation, decided to train him. This led to Sokka becoming a much better swordsman than he once was and one of the best in that art within the Water Tribes.
Liberation of Ba Sing Se[]
PIandao fought alongside other White Lotus members as he played a pivotal role in freeing the Earth Kingdom capital from Fire Nation tyranny. While this battle occurred, the 31st Company defectors battled against 31st loyalists in an attempt to stop the White Lotus from being flanked by an army of reinforcements. A naval skirmish also took place dozens of miles Northeast of the city.
Skill Level[]
Piandao is a better duelist than notable 31st members like Samira, Dade, and Irina. He easily defeated Sokka in combat but respected Sokka for being creative during their showdown. Piandao is likewise tactically adaptive in combat. He is fast, agile, graceful, highly coordinated, and a great standup grappler. Piandao fights with a balanced style between defense and offense.