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Raggis Praxus was a revolutionary leader and nonbender of Earth Kingdom origin. Raggis fought to defend Eggar's Island which had been annexed by the Fire Nation. Raggis was the leader and creator of the Purple Burrays.

Raggus Praxus (Designer)


Raggis was an outstanding duelist, incredibly fast, and remarkably agile. Mr. Praxus was capable of outrunning Macai in combat and had speed that made him appear as a blur while he ran. Raggis's speed rivaled the legend Mai who was the fastest member of Ozai's Angels. Raggis often sprinted and jumped as he fought with his highly offensive style. Mr. Praxus had swords that were made of a rare metal alloy called Fanton which was capable of absorbing fire and blocking bricks/stones/rocks without showing any signs of damage.

Even Macai's white flames were not hot enough to melt Praxus's blades. Raggis was a sound strategist and tactician; his forces used guerrilla warfare to hold off Fire Nation invaders for months. Raggis's forces were not thwarted until Macai's 31st Company engaged them.


Raggis was bold, adaptive, and charismatic. He inspired several workers, indentured servants, and villagers to risk their lives in an effort to take down their occupiers.
