Ronin was a skilled firebender in Commander Macai's 31st Marine Company. Ronin met Macai when Macai was given command over the unit. Before Macai led the 31st, Ronin served under the unit for three years. Ronin often served as a bodyguard for Macai during his speeches. The trooper often worked alongside Cosal in battle, even before Macai came along.
During his time with the 31st, Ronin learned a lot from Macai. Ronin quickly became more powerful because of the increased amount of dangerous missions the Company was sent on after Macai was given control of it. The shock trooper learned some advanced firebending techniques while working with Kett, a gifted firebender Lieutenant in the 31st.
Ronin was a diligent and loyal trooper. While Ronin respected his fellow troopers, his ultimate loyalty was to the Fire Nation government administration itself.
When Macai first met Ronin, Ronin was slightly above average. By the end of the Hundred Year War, Ronin's firebending skills rivaled powerful benders such as Asad and Admiral Zhao. Ronin's close combat skills were moderate.
Post Hundred Year War
After the defeat of Firelord Ozai to the hands of the Avatar, Ronin became an avid member of the Fire Nation Remnant. He immediately looked to avenge his comrades who fell during the war due to the "work of traitors" and aspired to help dethrone Zuko. Ronin was willing to kill anyone who stood in his way including those who may have once served in his company alongside him. Yet time will show that this path leads to destruction, not only for the one people that it may be unleashed upon but for the person who unleashes it.