Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

Rosh is Macai's best Friend in Avatar Macai's Journey and right-hand man.

He became a Fire Nation captain and Macai's assistant. Rosh dated Ty Lee for several years during his childhood. Rosh was known for his disdain for Azula during his childhood. He would openly criticize her and the two got in several arguments. Their series of verbal altercations eventually manifested into a fight. Rosh was known for being an adaptive leader. Rosh was the same age of Macai, making him fifteen during the events of ATLA.


Rosh was a talented firebender but, he was not as gifted as prodigies like Azula and Macai. Rosh's fire had a mixture of red and orange in it. The red part of the fire made it less hot than the average firebender's flames. However, Rosh's flames had a greater radius and width than that of most other firebenders. The width of his flames exceeded that of Azula's, Zuko's, Zhao's, and Macai's.

Rosh had a fast, offensive, and agile fighting style. Rosh was more patient than Zuko and Zhao. However, he was less patient than his friend Macai and Azula. Rosh fought more offensively than Macai, who fought in a more balanced manner. Rosh was slightly stronger than his friend Macai and a little weaker than Kett. Rosh was also stronger physically than Zuko and Azula. Macai and Rosh lifted weights Her than many royals while they were training for battle with their servicemen.

Rosh had good physical conditioning but, not as good as his friend Macai. Rosh was said to fight a bit more like an airbender in combat compared to other firebenders. Rosh was light on his feet and often dodged incoming attacks. Though Rosh was still less agile than Kanna and a little less agile than Zuko.

Rosh (Character Creator)

Rosh depicted as an adult.


Rosh was known for being a fearless warrior who never hesitated to help his allies in battle. Rosh was said to be the most compassionate member in his team, even more so than Macai and Kett. He found it very difficult to go through with certain decisions that he found to be morally questionable. Unlike Macai, Kett was more loyal to his friends and family than the Fire Nation itself as a soldier. While Macai's loyalty was grounded on the Fire Nation for much of his childhood and teen years.

Rosh was very outgoing and extroverted. Rosh would not hesitate to share what was on his mind or to challenge an enemy. Out of everyone in his unit, Rosh was the boldest in character. He was known for his sharp wit and humor.
