Samira is a post-book 2 supporting character in AMJ.
Samira was a Fire Nation marine and a member of the 31st company. She was nineteen years old when a fourteen year old Macai met her. She had already fought in the war for two years by the time she met Macai. Unlike Macai, Rosh, and Kanna, Samira did not grow up knowing her father for much of her life. Samira's father was a valiant and inspiring soldier who she looked up to as a child. When Samira was eleven years old, her father died during an intense battle. Samira's mother was abusive and very controlling. The first year after Samira graduated from high school, she worked and moved in with her uncle.
The passing of her father inspired Samira to be a great warrior in the future. The loss of both her father and uncle convinced the young lady that life is too short for scared living. This caused Samira to have a very direct personality and made her willing to try new things.
Samira's uncle, Kerruno had a business but was struggling to pay bills and one day his shop was robbed. Kerruno was killed during the robbery but Samira managed to fend off the intruders. With her uncle's death, the young woman had no reason to stay in her hometown. She enlisted in the Fire Nation Army and performed very well. Samira was eventually given a unique opportunity to join the 31st marine company and she took it. By the end of ATLA, Samira was nearly twenty years old. Samira's experience made her a useful ally for Macai and his gang of friends.
Samira was a headstrong, brave, and persistent fighter. Samira was known for being able to motivate her allies in battle. This included lower ranking marines and higher ranking ones like Macai, Kett, and Kanna. For a long portion of her career, Samira showed blind loyalty to her nation. Samira was incredibly persistent, fast, strong, and was very resilient for a girl.
Skills and Abilities[]
Samira was one of the most talented spear duelists in the Fire Nation. She fought in a competitive Fire Nation city called Ramuna. Ramuna was a city where many people were selfish, corruption was rampant, and many crimes happened in broad daylight. Unlike Kett and Kanna who at least grew up in lower middle class households, Samira grew up in a severely poor home. Samira got in several fist fights as a young girl and was teased by some of her peers. Samira's uncle was a major mentor who trained Samira how to box and wrestle.
Samira used her skills to outperform other nonbenders and she learned how to improvise against benders who bullied her. Samira's physical strength exceeded that of Ty Lee, Azula, and even Suki. Samira's body consisted of lean muscle and her stamina was excellent. Toph was physically stronger than Samira but wasn't as fast as her. While Samira was fast, she was still slower than Aang, Mai, Kanna, and Ty Lee. Samira was faster than Rosh, Macai, and her speed rivaled Zuko's. Samira's skills make her a worthy adversary for great duelists like Zuko and Jet. Her skills exceeded that of solid duelists like Sokka and Dade.