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Serraj is a post-book 2 character in AMJ. Serraj was a Northern Water Tribe member who's grandmother was from the Western Water Tribe.

Serraj (AMJ)


Serraj's grandmother was an influential mentor in her life. Serraj would often visit her grandmother in her village, which allowed her to meet and make friends with Jarue and Kaft.


Serraj was an accomplished archer who was known for her stunning accuracy. Serraj practiced by shooting oranges that were thrown in the air and hitting trees in the distance. Serraj had archery skills that rivaled other top archers of her era including Sonna, the freedom fighter Longshot, and Kedo. Serraj also took self-defense classes while she was in the Northern Water Tribe which gave her decent hand-to-hand and weapon disarming skills. Serraj's athleticism was for the most part average, but her endurance was very high. Serraj would keep pace behind much faster and more athletic combatants like Jarue without tiring.


Serraj didn't like practicing her shots on live animals, but her grandfather emphasized that humans occasionally needed to eat animals in order to survive especially in certain villages. For much of her life, Serraj was a vegetarian who mainly ate vegetables, fruits, and grains to avoid harming living creatures. Serraj would later get in an argument with the Earth Kingdom warrior Moriana about how plants are also living. Still, Serraj always had a natural appreciation and bond with animals. Serraj spent some of her time being a veterinarian who would work alongside waterbender healers to treat wounded animals and pets.

Serraj was naturally caring and looked after her teammates. She also was not ruthless in battle and treated captured enemies with moderate respect. However, if anyone broke their word, betrayed her allies, or did things she deemed dishonorable the young woman quickly developed a disdain for those people and dedicated herself to bringing them to justice. In a social aspect, if someone committed several seriously dishonorable and disrespectful acts Serraj would disassociate herself from those people. Serraj was known for always having a strong sense of morals and being committed to her loved ones.
