Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

Sokka was a skilled Water Tribe duelist and Katara's brother. He was one year older than his sister.

Sokka with sword

Discovery of Aang

Katara and Sokka were the first people to discover Aang after his disappearance. Katara unthawed a glacier of ice that he was frozen in after arguing with her brother. Sokka was one of Avatar Aang's best friends and closest companions.

Tactical Pro

Sokka was the best planner and tactician in team Avatar. Without him, his team was lost. Sokka played a major role in devising the plan that led to the destruction of Ozai's airship fleet during the end of the war as well as the destruction of an army of Fire Nation tanks that attacked the Northern Air Temple. Sokka even managed to defeat a trained combustion bender assassin using a boomerang and once knocked Azula out using one.

Even with these skills, Sokka's wasn't perfect. He helped plan a raid of the Fire Nation palace with help from Earth Kingdom and Water Tribe forces. This attack was countered by a trap devised by Princess Azula and Firelord Ozai that ultimately led to the imprisonment of several Kyoshi warriors including Suki.

Love with Yue

Sokka was in love with the Northern Water Tribe princess Yue despite only knowing her for a brief time. Their relationship came to a swift end when Admiral Zhao killed the moon spirit to take away the waterbender's ability to control water and influence. She gave her life to restore the balance and keep the spirit alive. By doing this, Yue became one with the moon.

Romance with Suki

Sokka fell in love with the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors, Suki.

Sokka and Suki


During the Hundred Year War, Sokka would greatly improve in his combat skills. Sokka particularly blossomed after he was trained by Piandao.


Sokka was capable of rivaling Dade in dueling skills despite being less experienced Sokka was actually a better pure duelist. However, sparring with Dade would prove difficult for him due to Dade's rough and 'dirty' tactics that he developed being a 31st marine.

Post One Hundred Year War

After the One Hundred Year War, Sokka became a leader in the Southern Water Tribe and gained a seat in the Southern Water Tribe's council. He had particularly bold opinions during the groups discussions and held other members accountable. He also broke tension with jokes at times. Sokka was praised and respected for his innovative ideas. Sokka also became a royal Prince after his father was made into the Chieftain of all the Southern Water Tribe.
