Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

Suki was the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors who are an elite branch of fighters from Kyoshi Island. She trained since she was eight years old and was well respected by the other leaders in her group. Suki is famous for falling in love with Team Avatar member Sokka and training him to become a better fighter.

Suki (Avatar)

Suki with makeup and her battle armor.

Fighting Style

Suki was a top nonbender combatant of her era. She was known for fighting with assault fans and she could use these fans to disarm or knock out her opponents. Suki had excellent timing above high-level fighters like Ty Lee and she was fast enough to keep up with Ty Lee who is one of the quickest scouts and fighters of all time.

Suki was agile though not as agile as Aang, Ty Lee, Kanna Foloki, Karanga, Mai, and Azula. Suki was physically strong for a woman and was only second to Toph in team Avatar in physical strength. Suki was capable of punching planks of wood open. She was strong enough to hold large vases of stone over her head but not without difficulty. Her conditioning was remarkable and above Ty Lee's.

When Suki fought she paced herself so she would not gas or run out of energy but could push on for up to three hours if she needed to. Suki was capable of outlasting almost any opponent. During the Hundred Year War, she never gave up during her fight with Azula and got back up several times after being knocked down. Suki's resilience and heart were remarkable qualities that reflect her Kyoshi warrior heritage. Ty Lee would later train Suki in her famous chi-blocking technique which allowed her to take away a bender's ability to control elements.

Capture and Imprisonment

During one important mission, Suki and the Kyoshi warriors battled Ozai's Angels to make time for Appa to escape. Ty Lee and Mai had short work of Suki's teammates while the captain faced off against Azula. Unfortunately, Azula was too much for her.

Suki vs Azula

Suki engages Azula.

Learning Chi-Blocking Defenses

Suki's boyfriend Sokka had fought with the elite non-bender Ty Lee a few times who was known for her chi-blocking ability. Chi-blocking allows a fighter to poke an enemy in a way that removes their ability to bend (control, influence, or generate elements). During one of their fights, Sokka drew with Ty Lee by learning how to defend against her strikes. Sokka told the story to Suki and she eventually trained with him and developed drills for defending against such attacks. These drills were taught to the other Kyoshi warriors under her command.

It is for this reason, that when Suki fought Ty Lee later at Boiling Rock, Suki was able to defend against her attacks and block her pokes in a way that left her from being chi-blocked. When Ty Lee tried to extend and poke Suki, the Kyoshi warrior also punched the Fire Nation scout in her arms which made her sore and reduced her speed advantage. When the fight proved more difficult than estimated, Ty Lee began to lose some of her confidence and was relived when given the call to fall back by Azula who was struggling herself with Zuko and Sokka who had both improved in their skills.

To her surprise, Ty Lee would betray Azula shortly after by ambushing her. Which led to Ty Lee's imprisonment.

Avatar Ty Lee vs Suki

Suki parried Ty Lee's chi-blocking.

Incorporating Chi-Blocking Attacks

After the Hundred Year War, Ty Lee joined the Kyoshi warriors and taught them the art of chi-blocking. This made Suki an even better warrior before. Likewise, Suki taught Ty Lee some new moves and methods as well as chi-blocking defense measures.


Suki was polite, compassionate, supportive, and fairly accepting. Suki lived off her morals and code.

Other Traits

Suki was a master tactician and skilled strategist. Suki knew the arts of stealth, guerrilla warfare, bodyguard duties, evacuating crowds, and espionage.
