Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

Ty Lee was Azula's best friend and Rosh's love interest. Ty Lee was a skilled hand to hand combatant and knew a chi blocking technique that could temporarily take away a bender's ability to control the elements. She had several identical sisters and believed that it limited her individuality. Which is why she decided to later leave and accompany Azula during her hunt for the Avatar. Ty Lee would later betray Azula after her friend Mai decided to choose her love Zuko, over Azula during the Boiling Rock prison break. Ty Lee ambushed Azula during the incident but was ultimately captured by Fire Nation soldiers. Ty Lee and Mai were then imprisoned until the end of the war.

Ty Lee and Mai's betrayal eventually caused Azula to have a mental breakdown. This led to Azula being defeated by Zuko and Katara during the end of the Hundred Year War. After being freed, Ty Lee missed being in a family unit. She decided to join the Kyoshi Warriors, which were an elite group of female non-benders.

AMJ Ty Lee Crypko

An older Ty Lee


Ty Lee dated Rosh for several years during her childhood until Azula and Rosh's conflicts brought it to an untimely end. Ty Lee would later reach out and attempt to connect with Rosh. However, Rosh refused the attempt knowing that Azula had authorized it. Rosh stated that Ty Lee had to choose between him and Azula and she chose Azula. Ty Lee broke down crying during the confrontation and Rosh's friends escorted him away from her.

Ty Lee's best friends were Azula and Mai, and the trio seemed to be inseparable. Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai were the three members of Ozai's Angels. The trio had grown up together, but Azula and Ty Lee were a bit closer to each other than Mai who somewhat accompanied Azula out of reluctance. Ty Lee appreciated Azula but also had a fear of her and valued Mai equally. During the final moments of the Hundred Year War, Mai attempted to protect Zuko and took down several Boiling Rock guards to ensure his escape. Azula confronted her friend and stated she was absolutely shocked by her actions.

Mai stated that Azula miscalculated and that she loved Zuko more than she feared her. Ty Lee remained silent but was inspired by Mai's quote. Azula interjected that Mai miscalculated and should have feared her more. Azula prepared to zap Mai with lightning, but Mai drew her knife and was prepared to fight. Before the duo could engage Ty Lee dropped Azula with a fierce combo from behind. Azula was stunned and completely hurt that her childhood friends would abandon her toward her apparent moment of triumph. Even worse for Azula was that Zuko sparked this chain of events.

While Zuko was Azula's brother, Azula believed her mother Ursa and uncle Iroh loved Zuko more than her. At that moment, Azula irrationally felt as if everyone loved Zuko more despite Azula having more accomplishments and working harder to get what she had. Azula eventually snapped when Ozai stated he would be Phoenix King over her Firelord title and wouldn't have time to accompany her for a grand crowning event (Ozai's celebration was planned to be grander). Azula whined and said, "You can't treat me like Zuko!" Ozai quickly responded by saying that he needed Azula to be the Firelord and keep control of his nation while he is gone and cleans out the Earth Kingdom's remnants.

Ty Lee's redemption ultimately was a contributing factor to Azula's mental breakdown and loss to Zuko during their Agni Kai.


Ty Lee was a swift and agile fighter. She was one of the fastest fighters in the Fire Nation, with only Mai coming close to her speed and only Kanna coming close to her agility. Ty Lee had exceptional reflexes and timing. Ty Lee's timing was second only to top-level benders Azula, Kett, and Macai (and the nonbenders Piandao and Suki). Ty Lee had a unique Chi-Blocking ability that allowed her to take away benders' abilities to control elements.

Ty Lee's defensive skills were also remarkable. She blocked quickly, but her main defense was dodging attacks. Ty Lee was incredibly difficult to land on. Even many of the best soldiers and benders struggled to or could not hit Ty Lee. Ty Lee once single-handedly took down an army of Earth Kingdom soldiers.

Ty Lee and Rosh (Avatar)

Ty Lee and Rosh at the beach.


Ty Lee was a very cheerful and polite young lady. She was much more spiritual than her friends Azula and Mai. She also cared more about keeping her skin from breaking out. As a teenager, Zuko thought that Ty Lee lived an unrealistic and overly optimistic manner. Zuko's resentment of her grew after his father abused him. He believed that people like Ty Lee had it easier than him and did not have to face the pressures that he did.

Ty Lee often attracted many men her age because of her positive personality and good looks. Despite this, Ty Lee's attraction for Rosh never went away. Long after she stopped talking to Rosh, she still missed the time that they spent together. She saw Rosh as someone who appreciated and admired her for who she was. Unlike Azula who admired her at times, used her other times, and verbally abused her several times. However, Ty lee respected Azula more than most people and Azula would only apologize to Ty Lee if Azula offended her. For much of her life, Ty Lee convinced herself that Azula just had a different way of expressing herself.

Ty Lee Kyoshi

Kyoshi Warrior

After the Hundred Year War, Ty Lee joined the Kyoshi Warriors. She taught the other members the art of chi-blocking, making them more effective in combat. Ty Lee quickly became the expert scout in the team and was praised for her recon skills.
