Avatar: Macai's Journey Wiki

Unofficial fight soundtracks are musical themes that AMJ doesn't own that are assigned to different fights and situations within the story. This category is meant for unofficial fight soundtracks in AMJ specifically and does not include the use of sequels or prequels.

General Gambo (AMJ)

Book 1 Themes:

  • Rosh vs Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender Agni Kai Theme)

Book 2 Themes:

  • Major Hannock's rampage (X-Men First Class: Magneto Theme)

Book 3 Themes:

  • Macai vs the Vindicated Avenger (Transformers War for CyberTron: Till All Are One)

Book 4 Themes:

  • Macai and Azula vs Zerrel (Halo 3 Warthog Run OST)