Voren's Wing Men was a name for the warriors that accompanied Voren in battle. These soldiers were experimented on by Demarius who attached metal wings to their backs. These wings connected with the nerves of the wingmen giving them the ability to fly over 100 miles an hour, enhancing their reflexes, and amping their speed. The warriors wore metallic boots that allowed them to land from great heights and at fast speeds. These boots made kicks form these warriors powerful enough to knock opponents out. Wingmen were not only men, there were a few women as well.
Half of the wingmen were archers which fired metallic arrows from great heights. They had specially modified bows that could be accurate from a range of 300 meters. The other wingmen were chargers. Chargers had long swords which they swooped down with. These swords were not particularly heavy but the speed at which they traveled made any impact with them almost universally fatal. In addition to that, chargers trained by fighting while midair and by gliding down and cutting grounded targets.
These archers had eaten special herbs, spices, and other natural substances that shortened their lifespans by a few years but allowed them to see two times further than ordinary people. They also endured plastic surgery that made it so they could see even further, which ultimately allowed these warriors to see thrice as far as normal people. The surgery meant that a punch in the face could more easily break their noses or blacken their eyes fortunately for them, they wore metal war masks which protected their faces. All of the wingmen had the ability to hit their enemies with their long wings.