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Yosari was Macai's mother and General Eyre's wife. Yosari also was friends with Ursa. She was polite, caring, and supportive. Eyre saw Macai's close relationship with her as a potential weakness, but he also believed that Yosari's compassion came with a few advantages.

Early Life

Yosari grew up in an abusive household where her father would verbally abuse her and her two sisters. Her father was upset that he only had daughters and never had a son to carry on his name. One of her sisters (Keela) suffered with depression and another (Kemorra) copied everything her father did to attempt to win his love. Despite Kemorra's best efforts, she never could please her father. Yosari saw elements of this in Azula, which is one reason she thought she would not be a good fit for her son Macai as a romantic partner.

Yosari Character Creator

Yosari didn't believe in sharing all of her thoughts. She believed that people shouldn't say anything at all if they don't have something nice to say. She would try to wait and think of polite and encouraging ways to communicate with people before opening her mouth. Yosari wanted to be the opposite of her father and she wanted to have a united family since her parents often argued with each other. Yosari hates abuse because her father would physically abuse her mother. While Eyre was a cold and indifferent husband, Yosari would never tolerate physical abuse from him without leaving. Eyre knew this and never attempted it.

Yosari's marriage was arranged by her parents when she was a young age. She never had much of a say in it and decided that she would make the best of her circumstances. Despite loving another man, she never cheated on Eyre during their marriage. Unlike many nobles, Yosari did not resent the poorer citizens. Unlike many from the Fire Nation, she didn't look down on people from other nations. Yosari believed that everyone had a different role in the world and that many people wouldn't fulfill their destiny because they didn't know their true potential.

Macai's Role Model

Yosari was much closer to Macai than his father was. Macai still held a level of admiration for his father's accomplishments and intelligence. However, Macai admired Yosari's wisdom and compassion. Yosari always supported Macai even when his father was harsh to him. Eyre believed he was doing what he needed to do as a father and saw himself as the rock that every child needs.

Yosari (Designer)

Life in Nyarri

Yosari moved to Nyarri with her son Macai after her son was selected for a rare and advanced program that forced him to leave the Fire Nation Capital and adjust to a different environment. During her stay there, she noticed a lot of the blatant discrimination that existed between members of the ruling class and ordinary citizens. Yosari got involved in the United Nyarri movement that looked to unite the different classes in the town and end the class discrimination in the town. She did not inform her husband Eyre about this.
